The documentary explores the history, military service, obesity, the Turtle and Shark Legend, the Samoan Creation Legend, the story of Massacre Bay, Junior Seau, Margaret Mead and more, in Part 1 on American Samoa. In Part 2 on Guam, we explore the history, the Legend of the Two Lovers, Taotaomo’na Spirits, the Chamorro people, Fr Duenas, Shoichi Yokoi and more. In Part 3 on Saipan and the CNMI, we explore the history, Banzai and Suicide Cliff, Tinian, the nuclear bombs dropped on Japan, Chinese immigration and tourism issues, as well as labor trafficking, and a charity that helps in this area.
The documentary is the result of six months of planning, two weeks of travelling and filming, and a month of editing. It was shot on Panasonic GH5 (10 bit), Sony FDR-X3000, and DJI Mavic Pro--all 4K.
It is one documentary, but broken in three parts for YouTube, so it can be viewed more easily by those searching just one particular territory, for example.
There are three other territories, Washington DC, Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands. These are not dealt with in this documentary. These are very well known. The three in our documentary are relatively unknown.
For licensing footage please contact LMM.
Full credits at the end of the final part of the movie (on Saipan), but below is a limited set of credits.
Directed, Filmed,
Written & Narrated By
David Whalen
Produced By
Richard Taylor
Produced By
David Whalen
Executive Producer
Thomas Whalen
Executive Producer
Marilucia Garcia Calvacanti
Richard Taylor
Michael McDonald
Paula Stevenson McDonald
Girls Working Out
Atonio Ioane
Christian Ausage
Senovefa Gaea Bartley
Marte S. Hara
Jose Q. San Nicolas
Group of Chomorro Youth
Julie Le Breton
Mela Gerber
Carlos Paulino
David B. Tydingco
Pilar Laguaña
Walt Goodridge
Emelda P. Camacho
Calvani P. Deleon Guerrero
Chinese Tourists
Chinese Migrants
Special Thanks
Keith Ahsoon
Bishop Peter Brown
Antonio R. Cabrera
Gabbie Franquez
Fabian M. Indalecio
Tina Ioane
Doug Mack
Mark Manglona
Lauri Ogumoro
Sylvia Press
Breeana Quitugua
Rosita San Nicolas
Kristan Schlichte
Sulita Evie Smith
Wang Chun Yu
American Samoa Historic Preservation Office
Cathedral of the Holy Family, American Samoa
Catholic Charities, USA
Catholic Charities, American Samoa
Discover Guam Tours
Discover Saipan
Guam Visitors Bureau
Historic Inarajan Foundation
Karidat Social Services
Pacific War Museum
South Pacific Watersports & Fitness
Valley of the Latte, Inc.
Vaoto Lodge
Filmed on Location
American Samoa
Saipan (CNMI)
Tinian (CNMI)
South Korea
Korean Demilitarized Zone
Laumei ma Malie
(Turtle and Shark, ancient Samoan song)
Performed by Senovefa Gaea Bartley
Feels Like Home
By Immersive Music
Shutterstock Music Canada ULC
Driven to Explore
By Tiny Music
Shutterstock Music Canada ULC
In Search of Wisdom
By Tiny Music
Shutterstock Music Canada ULC
A Glow
By Dan Phillipson
Shutterstock Music Canada ULC
Widescreen Nature
By Tiny Music
Shutterstock Music Canada ULC
Copyright Info
La Mancha Media
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